Nigel, our 28
year-old Golden Eagle. Superstar!




Raptors of the Rockies cares for permanently disabled and imprinted Teaching Team raptors, plus falconry birds that are on the required Federal and State permits and will be provided with a lifetime of quality care. Listed birds include our new American Kestrel, Bodie and Nigel the 29 year old Golden Eagle. These raptors have been "enlisted" to act as wildlife ambassadors to our (their) cause by serving as members of the Raptors of the Rockies Teaching Team. Each member of our Teaching Team has a unique history and distinctive personality and is a vital part of the Raptors of the Rockies education and art presentations, 1900+ programs since 1988. Use the list of links below to meet the "ambassadors" on our team. In addition to color photos of each bird, you'll find brief biographies and topical information particular to each of the species. We think you'll enjoy getting to know them and you may even learn something new.
- Bodie, American Kestrel
- Jillian, Great Horned Owl
- Little Billie, Northern Saw-whet Owl
- Mischa, Peregrine Falcon
- Nigel, Golden Eagle
- Portia, Barred Owl
- Sibley, Peregrine Falcon
- Simon, Great Horned Owl
- Sonny, Bald Eagle
- Sonora, Aplomado Falcon
- Taiga, Rough-legged Hawk
- Wes, American Kestrel