Young Osprey in the Bitterroot River behind the house.

The cover of my book on a Bald Eagle nest that fledged FOUR young (unheard of) that I photographed over four months.



Many, many individuals, organizations, and businesses have supported us through the years and we would like to recognize them and offer our many thanks. We could not have done it without your generous assistance and support. The list below is arranged alphabetically and we thank the many individuals and organizations that have helped us through the years, the members of our Raptor Family. A new addition to this page are the seven categories of sponsorship, which reflect donations to Raptors of the Rockies since January 1st 2007, and sponsorship of the Raptor Research Foundation Conference 2008.
Individuals |

Organizations |
Bald Eagle (> $10,000) Ron and Beth Cocchairella
Donna and Donald Eisenmenger
Nikolaos Monoyios and Valerie Brackett
Peregrine Falcon ($5,000 - $10,000) Bob Tabke and Deb Dawson
Richard S. Griffith
Ken and Judy Siebel
Tom and Betty Wilkins
Golden Eagle ($1,000 - $4,999) Flora McMartin & Rebecca Dowdakin
Rachel Allgood
Mary Bradshaw
Lou and Vicki Chouinard
Denis Cipolato
Beth Cocchiarella
Ken and Karen Dial
James and Claudia Diefenderfer
Rebecca and Stan Duffner
Bob Ehrhart
Bill and Carolyn Franke
Carolyn Goren
Weber Greiser
Margie and Steve Grinnell
Laura Whaley and Phil Hamilton
Robert Hayes
Linda Helding
Tom and Lois Hooker
Kat Imhoff
Nancy Caspersen & Lisa Kern
Judy King
Candace Klein-Loetterle
Lynn Leverett
Ben and Theresa Loggins
Diane Mackie
Frank and Marilyn Magid
Bill McIlroy
Sandy Moore
Rick and Diana Nash
Rick and Sue Neff
Jill Perelman
Sally Phillips
Andy and Melanie Puckett
John Salisbury
Cathy Scholtens
Linda Schure
Cas Smith
Andrea Stierle
Jay and Janna Sumner
Kate Supplee
Gary and Lynne Willstein
Great Horned Owl ($500 - $999) Patrick and Bernadette Bannister
Nina and Pat Brock
Ruth Quist and Bruce Collins
Ed Deal
Nathan DeBoer
Michael and Ginny DeNeve
Philomene Ducas
Dick and Christine Everett
Michael Fenster
Keith Fialcowitz
Stephan Fjelstad
Daniel Fruechte
James Gardner
Cary Griffin
Kerry Hallin
Tod and Barbara Hamachek
Bill & Jeanne Lenoch
Marty Leonard
Jeanne MacPherson and Bill Gallea
Melissa Kae Mason
Riley and Pat McClelland
Jim and Leslie McShane
Mimi and Bob Murley
Leslie Mussio Arnold
Maureen & Dale Oakes
Mike and Gay Peterson
Ken Pyle
Lindsay Richards
Kim and Ruth Rieneking
Larry and Cara Simkins
Isabel Singer
Dan and Sue Varland
Bill Wilson
John and Anna Wiltzen
Gwen Wood
Merlin ($100 - $499) Gretchen Albrecht
Kurt Albrecht
Camus Allison-Bunnell
Amelia & David Amish
Bob Anderson
James Angell
Kim and Larry Ashwell
Larry Ayres
Barbara Banthien
Carmen Bassin-Beumer
David and Colleen Batchelder
Karma Beal
Charlotte and Patrick Beatty
Wayne & Linda Beddow
Bill and Kay Beebe
Kathryn Bigelow
Barbara Boorman
Pearl Cash and Robert Brough
Katie Brown
Nancy Brown
Bruce and Nancy Bugbee
Judy Bungarz
Jim Burruss
Adrian Caddy
Tom Cade
Tom and Renetta Cade
William and Betty Ann Caldwell
Jennifer Campbell
Jennifer & Steve Campbell
Geoff and Marilyn Chapman
Paul Stafford and Julie Chapman
Helen Cipolato
Erika Clark
Mary Angela Collins
Terry and Germaine Conrad
Mae & Fran Coover
Julie and Roger Cowan
George Rissi and Willa Craig
Cory Crockett
Bob Cumming
Ed Deal and Gerry Chambers
Paul Deitrich
Kay and Bob Denike
Mary & Dave Dickson
Saly & Tom Dietrich
Anne Dobney
Neil and Elaine Doerr
Megan Dreher
Nora Drew
Jim and Lois Dunlap
Bob and Kelly Ehlers
Dan Ellison
Pamela Fenno
Deborah Fitzpatrick and Bob Battagin
Karen Francis
Jon & Michelle Freeland
Pat Fritz
Bill Gabriel
Annie Garde, Pea Green Boat
James Gardner
Minette and David Glaser
Doug Gloff
Bev and Steve Glueckert
Carol Goodsole
Kim and John Gordon
Gary & Carol Graham
Luke & Sarah Graham
Lori Grannis
Erick and Anne Greene
Margie Grinnel
Simon and Mo Gudgeon
Cindy Guymon
Leila Haack
Bruce Haak
Cindy Habig
Tyler Hampton
Tyler Hampton
Bette Harig
Kathy Harris
John and Kathy Hefferman
John & Kathy & Sam & Maya Heffernan
Suzanne Hendrich
Irena and Todd Henry
Karen Herzog
Maureen Riley and Peter Hettinger
Jan Hiller
Leslie Hiller
Steve Hoffman
Jackie Holland
Ann Houston
Pelah Hoyt
Jon and Jerrie Anne Hyrne
Betty and Ed Imhoff
Dudley Improta
Tina and Rob Jacobs
Charlie Jansen
Holly Jasperson
Melody Jefferies Peters
Elizabeth Johnson
Minette Johnson
John and Ruth Ann Kellog
Christine Kidwell
Martin Kimbell
Steve and Mary King
Pam and Tom Kloote
Caroline and Willis Kurtz
Ashlea Lanz
Norm and Marion Lavery
Shull Lemire
Rojene and Kim Lemke
Arnold Leslie
Leanne Lewis
Jan Lieber
Land Lindbergh
Beth Lo
Don and Joan Lodmell
Don and Joni Lodmell
Patricia Loesche
Tad Lubinski
Fred Luety
Ruth Lutz
Sandy Mack
Dale and Jennifer Manning
Joanne Mark-Goodhead
Jonnye Mastel
Leslie Mathern
Angela Matz
Matt and Marian Maxwell
Thane and Kathleen Maynard
D. James and Elizabeth McCubbin
Dolan McDonald
Kimber McKay
Trish and Jim McKay
Mavis McKelvey
Mavis and Robert McKelvey
Robert McKelvey
Tana and Dustin Mennie
Bruce Mihelish
Jerome Miller
Otto and Joyce Miller
John and Marilyn Mitchell
Jennifer and Don Monoco
Stacey Morrison
Ken Murphy
Diana Netherton
Kate Netzorg
Leslie Nyce
Dave Oberbillig
Deborah and David Oberbillig
Roswell; O'Connell
Mike O'Dale
Dermot O'Halloran
Bill and Phyllis Ohrmann
Phyllis Ohrmann
Ann Olson-Carver
Steve and Mindy Palmer
William and Mary John Palmer
Taylor Pape
Sharon Peden
Sharon Peden
William and Ellen Perry
Dodie Phelps
Dorothy Thomas Phelps
Sally Plummer
Marcia Prather
Kathy Price
William & Linda Price
Jeremy and Gretchen Puckett
Jacob and Meggan Quigley
Sharon and Dick Renfro
Clare and Steve Restrepo
Rob and Ellie Riber
Deborah Richie
Shawn Richmond
Samantha Rinaldi
Tyler Roady & Aimee Hurtt
Steve and Laura Roberts
Brad and Susan Robinson
Raymond Rocene
John Roemer
Jan and Rod Rogers
Daniel Rogge
Barbara Ross
Norm and Claire Roth
Ruth and Russ Royter
Diane Rupert-Thomas
Marjorie and John Sands
Gloria and Peter Scalise
John and Linda Scholtens
Christine Schultz
Sandra Scully
Heidi Sedivy
Nancy Seid
Nancy Seiler
Nancy Seiler
Kent Perelman and Mary Shaffer
Howard-Yana and Nancy Shapiro
Nancy Shapiro
Jacob Sheppard
Russell Sickles
Teresa, Emily, & Hannah Simmons
Isabel Singer
Brian and Karen Sippy
Ron Smith
Barb Smith and George Stitt
Jake Snowden
Alissa Snowden and Family
Darla and Bryan Steubs
Mike and Dani Stewart
Kate Stone
Jim and Sara Streeter
Janice Stroud
Linda Sturgis
Nate and Margo Sturgis
Wendy and Jack Sturgis
Pam and Graeg Superneau
Betsy Thornton
Dave and Cindy Tobin
Wayne and Sue Tobin
Marc and Suzanne Tomlinson
David and Nancy Tyrell
Jim and Marcie Valeo
Kathy VanKampen
Gabe and Sandy Vargo
Alexandra Volkerts
Mark Wagner
Mary Olson and Karen Wagner
Jess Walter
Clinton Warren
Susan Wassell
alfred Weisbecker
Alfred Weisbecker
Thula Weisel
Denice Wells
Julia and Ken White
Peter White
Frank and Arleen Boyd Willett
Kelly Willett
Karen Wilson
Jean Woessner
Barbara Wood
Bob and Gwen Wood
Gwen Wood
Bob and Sallie Wright
Saw-whet Owl ($50 - $99) Rosana Akland
Jill Alban
Gretchen Albrecht
Jessica Allewalt
Jodi and Steven Allison-Bunnell
Jennifer Anders
Bob Augustino
Tom Aversa
Debbie Ball
Angela Bennett
Sara Bennett
Jennifer Bernosky
Julia Betts
Joan Birch
Lola Bock
Christine Brick
Griff Bromlee
June Brown
Nancy Brown, Brown's Nursery
Skylar and Nicole Browning
Isobel Buck
Don and Jan Burgess
Beth Bynum
Leo Bynum
Pat Canaris
Nancy Cook
Amy Cilimburg and Rick Craig
Juliette Crump
Orville and Olleke Daniels
Michelle Davis
Debra Demmons
Sharon & Roger DiBrito
Dave and Mary Dickson
Kari and Greg Dillon
Lloyd Doering
Lloyd and Cathy Doering
Bill Dornbusch
Smoke and Thelma Elser
Donna Erickson
Zella Erickson
Kim Foiles & Bob Andrews
Allan Foss
Rick and Ann Franke
Jon and Michelle Freeland
Bill Gabriel
Diane Galloway
Mike, Catherine, and Austin Gilbert
Norine Gill
Jim Gleason
Judy Goffe
Ken and Nikki Greybeal
Sonja Grimmsmann
William and Michele Grudzinski
Amy and David Harmon
Dick and Cindi Hayne
Cecilia and Annemarie Herrera
Ted Hess-Homeier
Loren Hill
Pat Hogan
Shirley Holden
Libby Houston
Suzy Hunt
Emmy Ibison
Llori Imeson
Pat Jamieson
Kate Jennings
Scott and Fisher Johnson
Bob and Ellen Knight
Heiko and Ute Lagner
William Lindsey
Beth and Paul Loehnen
David and Maureen Loewenwarter
MJ and Janna Lukomski
Shannon Lurtz
Ruth Lutz
Ruth Lutz
Sandra Alcosser and Philip Maechling
Mary Manning
Linda and Ed Marcuse
Greg and Annalisa Martin
Colleen Mathisen
Gary Matson
Colleen Matt
Chris McCabe
Betsy McDonald
Dan Miller
Eldon Miller
Don Mundt
Don Mundt
Alexandra Murphy
Bill Murphy
Janet Nelson
Diana Netherton
Alina Niklison
Pam Olson
Nancy Ooms
Eileen and Harold Ort
Jeep Pagel
Angie Palin
Julie Pavlock
Nancy Plummer
Nancy Plummer
Sally Plummer
Cindy Poett
Dr. Dick Richardson
Marina Richie
Trinda and Jon Rieck
Aimee Hurt and Tyler Roady
Sandra Roe
Jami Romney Fitzgerald
Paul Ronaldo
Bonnie and Keith Roney
Christin and Art Rzasa
Mimi and Leonard Sauer
Mike and M.J. Schutte
Richard and Amy Sellman
Eveline and Wayne Smith
Mary Stevens
Irving Stroud
Linda Stroudt
Wendy and Jack Sturgis
Maggie Sullivan
Linda Temple
Roger Terry
Bill Thompson
Lois Thompson
Teri Thompson
Pat Tucker and Bruce Weide
Gabe and Sandy Vargo
Erin Warren
Mignon and Ron Waterman
John Wezgrai
Julia and Kenneth White
Renee Widder
Vicki Wilhite
Anne Wilson
William and Michelle Wilson
Ed Wolff
American Kestrel ($10 - $49) Ron Anderson
Barbara Arnsan
Jerri Balsam
Jerri and John Balsam
Barbara Banthien
Dawn Bennett
Dawn and Bob Bennett
Kristen Bishop
Marg Cassidy
Caryl Castleberry
Dolores and Doane Clark
Pat and Patty Connell
Marnie Corderman
Susan Cottrell
Marguerite Couch
Patricia Doyle
Jane Duncan
Jeri Ekman
Debbie and Henry Fassnacht
Debbie Gilmer
Jim Gleason
Shirley Griffith-Brownlee
Ellie Heinl
Robert and Kelly Henricksen
Steven Hoffman
Linda Hugulet
Julia and Kenneth Hunt
Rhilea Jinotti
Steve and Tracy Jolly
Melissa Jordon
Hoyt Jyl
Marsha Katz
Debra and Keith Kehoe
Shirley Lemon
Nola Levinson
Evet Loewen
Marjorie Monson
Emily Nader
Peter and Killeen Nielson
Jolyn Ortega
Mary Lou Palmer
Susan and Randy Peterson
Doug and Betty Purl
Lynn Purl
Janet Roper
Rebecca Rosencrans
Gloria Scalise
Warren Schmitt
A'Lisa Scott
Anna Serena
Cary Shepherd
Jayden Skousen
Martin Stabler
Linda and Cam Stringer
Amy Stroud
John Swanson
Cidney Tawney
Maxine Taylor
Teri Thompson
Leigh Ann Valiton
Dan Varland
Jennifer Westfall
Bev Williams
Doug and Duana Yates
More Backers Mary Jo Aardsma
Charlie Abbe
Carolyn Abbott
Barbara Adolph
Mark and Colleen Alber
Carol Anderson
Joanne Anderson
John and Linda Anderson
Elaine Anderson-Wood
Mary Andrews
Vicki and Jean Applegate
Lola Ashby
Rudy and Lela Autio
Patrick and Bernadette Bannister
Barbara Banthien
Erwin and Peggy Bauer
Marty and Roy Bayly
Carter and Susan Beck
Diane Benjamin
Anne Bertsche
Maureen Bilger
Sharon Bingham
Nancy and Geoff Birnbaum
Dick and Betty Bloomer
Jim Boege
Bruce and Anne Bollen
Dan and Jackie Bolster
Dr. Scott and Laura Bovard
Paul and Leslie Brantner
Brian and Stephanie Breaker
Suzanne Brewington
Ed Brown
Jim and Sue Brown
Robert and Pearl Brugh
Joyce Brusin
Jackie and Karl Buechsenschuetz
Larry and Fay Buhl
Ray and Sue Burns
Lucy Olwell Buschmann
Hank Butzel
Adrian Caddy
Kay and James Caine
Robin Capaul-Draggoo
Kevin Canty and Lucy Capehart
Fred and Susan Carl
Judy Chapman
Barb and Kirby Christian
Troy Clinton
Sneed Collard
Jim and Sue Colletti
Carol Lee Collins
Nancy Condit
Paul Cooley
Jackie Corday
Fred Cory
David and Kandice Cotner
Jorja Courtney
Maxine Crook
Skip Crooks
Dr. Andrew Cross
Karla Dauenhauer
Lauren Daugherty
Danny Dauterive
Charlotte Davey
Parker Davies
John Davis
Wayne and Peggy Davis
Ella DeGrandre
Mike and Ginny Deneve
Dusty Deschamps
Anthony DiBrito
Liz Dodge
Rob Domenech
Sar and Teresa Dougherty
Dr. Rob Downey and Dr. Devry Garrity
Max and Jennifer Downing
Kimberly Dredger
Kristi DuBois
Anne Duncan
Kari Dunn
Marcia and Richard Dunn
Craig and Margaret Eddy
Morris and Kristi Eisert
Shawn Englert
Ron and Clara Erickson
Maire Estar
Susan Estep
Cathy Falvey
Debbi and Henry Fassnacht
Clark and Leslie Ferrell
Kathy Fielding
Dave and Sherry Fields
Chip Fisher
Aron Flanagan
Ronni Flannery
Beth Floridas
Lillian Flowers
Marianne Forrest
Monika Frazen
Vicki Frazier
Wayne and Paula Frederiksen
Diane Friend
Bruce,Bridget, and Carly Fuglei
Sharon Fuller
Michael Gallacher
Dwight and Amy Gappert
Phillip and Julie Gardner
Shelly and Tim Geiszler
Dori Gilels
Kathleen Good
Rebecca Goodrich
Art Gorov
Alison Gude
Bob and Catherine Gutherman
Heidi Haight
Margaret Hale
Susan Hamilton
Peg Hampton
Bernice Hancock
Tom Hanou
Ron Hansell
Sarah Hansell
Gary Hawk
Tim Hegg
Corinne and Jim Hendrick
Mary Higgins
Juthith and John Holbrook
John and Karen Howe
Judy Hoy
Pelah Hoyt
Noreen Humes
Suzi Hunt
Mike Hupe
Del and Kathy Hurt
Roger Hutchens
Richard Hutto
Devon, Chris and Jenn Jacaruso
Mary Lou Jamison
Barb Jaquith
John Jarvis
Toni and Ric Jinotti
Barb Johnson
Cedron Jones
Louise Jones
Mary Jones
Ram Murphy and Kendahl Jan Jubb
Beth Kennedy
Kathleen Kennedy
Robin and Rachael Kent
Kerry and Jon Kienberger
Jack Kirkley
Chuck Kneib
Bob and Ellen Knight
Larry and Debbie Krieger
Carolyn Kurtz
Willis and Caroline Kurtz
Sarah Lane
Grant Larson
Greg and Melissa Larson
Norm and Marion Lavery
Norm and Marion Lavery
Mary Lawrence
Guy and Whitney Leibenguth
Carolyn Leonard
William and Janice Link
Kim and Kirk Mace
Peter Maier
John and Barbara Majors
Mary Manning
Michael Marcinkowski
Mildred Marinan
Kristen Marshall
James Masar
Angela Matz
Susan May
Ann McCree
Neil and Wendy McDaniel
Bob McGiffert
Billy and Mark Merila
Kathy and Allan Meyers
Gene and Joyce Miller
Glen and Sue Moeller
Eri Moffit
Ginger Moore
Stacey Morrison
Mariah Mottley
Dave and Connie Murnen
Kendahl Jan Jub and Rom Murphy
Charla Murray
Maura Murray
Mark Nanke
Melora Neaves
Alan Nelson
Bowen Newell
Wendy Ninteman
Jamie Nisbet
Dave and Deborah Oberbillig
Mary O'Connell
Susan O'Connor
Bill Ohrmann
Amy and Eddy Olwell
Lee and Nancy Ooms
Dr. Conrad Orr
Chris Paige
David and Monica Paoli
Megan Parker
Greg and Dorothy Patent
Ellen Perry
Bob Petty
Dave Plummer
James and Shelly Poore
Jim Posewitz
Shear Prophesy
Orville and Olleke Rappe-Daniels
Stan and Mary Rauch
Allan and Lea Raynal
Wendy, Roger and Kelsey Raynal
Cathy Ream
Dwayne and Becky Rehbein
Toni Rehbein
Jeff Renz
Cathy Capps and Tom Rickard
Dr.'s Cathy Capps and Tom Rickard
John and Roxi Riley
Sharon and Dan Ritter
Bruce Robertson
Richard and Marion Rosa
Tom and Sue Roy
Ruth Royter
Karen Ryan
Earl Salmonson
Sandra Schlotzhauer
Steven and Donnette Schoepke
Georgia Milan and Jeff Schroeder
Mildred and George Schultz
Michael Schutte
Joe and Lisa Schweigert
Anita Scott
Pat Scown
Scott Seifert
Bob Seiler
Terrie Shaw
Carol Shepherd
Larry and Cara Simkins
Sandra & Garrick Simmons
Bill Smart
Wilson Smart
Clifford A. Smith
Judy Smith
Judy and Jack Smith
Michael and Laura Snyder
Bridgit Sommer
Susanna Sonnenberg
Diana Sontag
Nancy Spagnoli
Roger Dehaan and Nancy Spagnoli
Nicole Standish
Bryan and Darla Steubs
Sara Alice Steubs
Bill and Janice Stroud
Tom and Sandy Stuckey
Jay and Janna Sumner
Mary Suptic
Susan Sykes
Becky Tarwater Duffner
James Taylor
Jonathan Weber and Karen Taylor
Maria Tesoro
Mike and Kim Thomas
Debbie Thrailkill
Marc and Suzanne Tomlinson
David and Nancy Toole
Patrick Toomey
Candace Torrens
Hannah Tribble
Julie and Jonathan Tristad
Judy King and Skip Tubbs
Harry Uffalussy
Dr. Arnaud VanWettere DVM
Tony Veazy
Allan and Margo Vishoot
Lindi Vishoot
Jillian Vogtli
Mark Vosburgh
Pam Voth
Sherry and Loren Vrandish
John Walker
Mel Walters
Pat Tucker and Bruce Weide
Pat Tucker and Bruce Weide
Terry and Kari Weidner
Francis Weigand
Gretchen Weix
Dan and Sally Wheaton
June Wilhelm
Jan Brocci and Mike Williams
Joan and J.D. Williams
Joanie Wilson
Sandy Wilson
Cheri and David Wissenbach
Kristen Wood
Marjorie and Gordon Wood
Peggy Woods
Dale and Cassie Woolhiser
Faith Wozniak
Ellen Young
Roy and Denise Zimmer

Bald Eagle (> $10,000) The ALSAM Foundation
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
The Chutney Foundation
The Cinnabar Foundation
The Grounded Eagle Foundation
The William and Margaret Wallace Foundation
Williams Family Foundation
Wolf Creek Charitable Foundation
Peregrine Falcon ($5,000 - $10,000) Inland Northwest Community Foundation
Innovia Foundation, Cocchiarella Family Fund
Pleiades Foundation
Golden Eagle ($1,000 - $4,999) 1st Interstate Bank
Abbott's Glass, John and Marna Abbott
ALPS Insurance, Missoula
Bayern Brewing
Charles Schwab Charitable Foundation
The Drollinger Family Charitable Foundation
The Elizabeth Wakeman Henderson Charitable Foundation
Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
James H. Woods Foundation
Korman Marketing Group
Max and Betty Swanson Charitable Foundation
The Merlin Foundation
Montana History Foundation
MPG Ranch
NorthWestern Energy
The Rapp Family Foundation
Raptors of the Rockies
Rocky Mountain Eye Center
The Steven and Barbara Sherwin Foundation
The Pleiades Foundation
Triple Creek Ranch
Tucker Crossing Ranch
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
University of Montana
Wide World of Travel
Wilkins Family Foundation
The Williams Family Foundation
Great Horned Owl ($500 - $999) Elizabead - Elizabeth McCubbin
First Interstate BancSystem
Franklin Elementary School
Missoula Bone and Joint
Montana Community Foundation
Montana Dept. Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
Plum Creek Timber Company
Merlin ($100 - $499) Action Auto Body
American Expedition Vehicles
Back Country Horsemen of Missoula
Blacksmith Brewing
Catalyst Physical Therapy
Community Medical Center Matching from Cathy Scholtens
Custom Birdworks and the Big Game Connection
Eagle Self Storage
Five Valleys Audubon
HawkWatch International
Infectious Disease Specialists
Ink Realty Group, Missoula
Kensall/4 Seasons Subaru
Missoula Federal Credit Union
Montana Association for the Education of Young Children
Montana Guitarworks
Montana Mare and Foal
Montana Wilderness Association, Shining Mountain Chapter
Mountain Press Publishers
Mountain Press Publishing Company
The Patagonia Outlet, Dillon
Reynolds Radiator
Rocky Mountain Orthopaedics
Rocky Mountain Print Solutions
Roemer's Tire Factory
Scott's EQ Auto Repair
State Employees Combined Giving
Ten Spoons Vineyard
Wildlife Return, Whitefish, MT
Saw-whet Owl ($50 - $99) Freedom Physical Therapy
The Lubrizol Foundation
Missoula Community School
American Kestrel ($10 - $49) Chapter One Bookstore, Hamilton
Chimney Corner Hair Styling
Monte Dolack Graphics
More Backers Abbey Carpet, Missoula
Adventure Connections
Allegiance Benefit Foundation
American Lands
Ancare Veterinary Clinic
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Ben Meadows Company
Big Sky High School
Birdwatcher's Country Store
Birnbaum's Broadway Frame
Blackfoot River Outfitters
Bonner Elementary School
Boyer's Bunny Barn
Burnich Frame and Moulding
Caras Nursery
Channels Ranch
Charlo School
Clinton Elementary School
Community Medical Building #5
Computer Gal 2 Go
Emma Dickinson Elementary School
Farmers State Bank
Forest Forum
Friends of the William Kohr Library
The Gannett Foundation
Garrison School
Garrlington, Lohn, and Robinson PLLP
Gateway Printing
Glass Act, Missoula
Grizzly Fence
Grizzly Hackle
H & H Custom Meats
Hamilton Packing
Heartland Caregivers
Hellgate Elementary School
Inland Empire Tours
Iron Horse
J.J. Construction
The James H. Woods Foundation
Jeffries Court Reporting, Inc.
Ken Siebel Charitable Foundation
Kinko's Copies
KUFM Montana Public Radio
The L.E.A.W. Family Foundation
Lewis and Clark Elementary School
The McLaughlin Research Institute
Meadow Hill Middle School
Missoula Bone and Joint
Missoula Brewers
Missoula Community Access Television
Missoula Veterinary Clinic
Missoulian Newspaper
Montana Audubon
Montana Photographic Service
Montana Waterfowl Foundation
Monte Dollack Gallery
Mountain Press Publishing
Nature's Best, Inc.
Nine Pound Hammer
Northern Rocky Mountain BR.AALAS
Northwest Designs, Victor, MT
NorthWestern Energy
The Patagonia Outlet, Dillon MT
Payroll Data
Pipestone Mountaineering
The Plum Creek Foundation
The Raptor Center, University of Minnesota
Raven Adventures
Rockin' Rudy's
The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Saint James Community Hospital, Butte
Smurfit-Stone Container
Spencer's Hackles, Plains MT
Stone Heart Inn
Travel Marketing (Ron Proul)
Turner and Associates, Helena
United Way of Santa Rosa
University of Montana Pre-School Lab
Vann's Appliances and Computers
The White Tail Ranch, Ovando MT