


Falcons of North America
Second Edition
By Kate Davis
Photographs by Kate Davis, Nick Dunlop, Rob Palmer
- 264 pages
- 260 photographs
- Ten Chapters
- Six Species Accounts
- Published: April, 2021
- Publisher: Mountain Press
- Paperback: $28.00 + $5 Shipping
Bold and beautiful, falcons hold a special place in the hearts of people. In Falcons of North America, renowned raptor advocate and environmental educator Kate Davis opens a door into the lives of these extraordinary, enigmatic birds of prey.
Since the publication of the first edition 13 years ago, advances in technology have revolutionized the study of falcons. This updated and revised second edition contains completely new classifications of the six North American falcon species based on DNA studies. Population trends are explored, with discussions of the mysterious decline of the American Kestrel and the impact of global warming on falcons, particularly the arctic-dwelling Gyrfalcon. Davis also includes fascinating details on one of the greatest conservation success stories—that of the Peregrine Falcon— from a brush with extinction in North America to greater populations than ever before, even thriving as city dwellers across the continent.
Doing justice to the falcons in a book is a tall order, but this one surpasses expectations. Filled with fascinating information and absolutely breathtaking images, I find myself going back again and again to browse or just to stare at a photo. Wow!
-- David Sibley, American ornithologist and author and illustrator of The Sibley Guide to Birds
Wow! What an impressive book, with awesome photos and data! Clearly one of the best raptor books published! What is neat, are the action images of the Falcons, too. Overall, a magnificent assembly of data and aesthetics!
-- Brian Wheeler, author Birds of Prey of East, Birds of Prey of West, Peterson Field Guides
Send Kate $33 and she will send you a signed copy of the second edition of "Falcons of North America" along with a cool raptor bookmark. US addresses only please.
Order Books By Mail: If you prefer to order books by mail, send a check made out to Kate Davis for the appropriate amount (including shipping) and be sure to include the title of the book and your mailing address. If you have questions, you can contact Kate via email at raptors@montana.com
Kate Davis
PO Box 265
Florence, MT 59833
More Books by Kate Davis
Birds Are People Too: Humor in the Avian World
By Kate Davis
Photographs by Kate Davis
128 pages
120 photographs
62 Species
Published: July, 2016
Publisher: Mountain Press
Paperback: $18.00 + $5 shipping
When you see a bird diving for a fish, landing on a perch, or singing from a fence post, do you wonder what it s saying or thinking? While staking out nests or waiting for the perfect shot on cold mornings, photographer Kate Davis has wondered plenty. In Birds Are People, Too, she lets her imagination fly with humorous takes on the avian world, from young owls pondering if their parents will really kick them out of the nest to a sleepy robin that awoke too late to get the worm. You ll be entertained and amazed by this extraordinary collection of more than 100 never-before-published action photos of 62 bird species.
"Kate Davis knows birds, and it s a riot to see that someone as knowledgeable and talented as Kate can t help but anthropomorphize the behaviors of these beautiful and wondrous creatures.
This book is a reminder of the beauty of the world, and that we have a kinship with all living things. Our ability to laugh at our condition is what makes us, and our avian friends, special. And hilarious."
-- Bill Harley, Grammy Award-winning storyteller, singer, author
American Kestrel: Pint-Sized Predator
By Kate Davis
Photographs by Kate Davis and Rob Palmer
128 pages
100 photographs
Published: October, 2014
Publisher: Mountain Press
Paperback: $18.00 + $5 shipping
Incredible photography is the centerpiece of this book and it will immediately grab your attention: alternately awe-inspiring, intimate, humorous, surprising, and familiar.
It is like flipping through the pages of the Kestrel family photo album, with text that complements the photographs, telling the full story behind each moment.
Kestrels are overflowing with charisma, and Kate Davis and Rob Palmer have managed to capture that elusive charm in this fitting tribute to a remarkable little falcon.
-- David Sibley, author of Sibley Guides
Bald Eagle Nest: A Story of Survival in Photos
By Kate Davis
120 pages
134 photographs
Published: January, 2013
Publisher: Stackpole Books
Paperback: $19 + $5 shipping
Bald Eagle Nest is now available, and features an unusual eagle family in Western Montana. 132 photos by Kate Davis illustrate courtship, nesting,
neighborhood resident animals, parent eagles and the four babies growing up and fledging. Four young is very rare with only a dozen nests ever reporting such success.
After a little introduction, she launches into the saga of the polite young, taking turns to be fed everything from pigeons, ducks and goslings to squirrels, fish and deer.
That story went worldwide on the internet when one of the adults dropped an eviscerated fawn on powerlines which shorted out electricity to East Missoula in June; "Deer With Wings,"
claimed dozens of stories, but just our diligent parents. A family of Eastern Fox Squrrels shared the nest, with curious young exchanging looks, then the post-fledging
stories and lots of flying eagle shots, favorites being the attacks by mobbing Bullock`s Orioles. One of these images won Audubon's Top 100 Photographs for 2012.
Kate writes, "I never knew I would grow to admire Bald Eagles this much, and hopefully the readers will too."
Raptors of the West Captured in Photographs
By Kate Davis, Rob Palmer & Nick Dunlop
Winner of the 2011 National Outdoor Book Award for Design and Artistic Merit and the 2011 Montana Book Award
250 pages
430 photographs
45 Species
Published: May, 2011
Publisher: Mountain Press
Paperback: $30 + $5 shipping
Review of Raptors of the West by Tom Cade, Founder of the Peregrine Fund and author of The Falcons of North America
To gaze into the deep, brown eyes of a falcon is to see one’s own being reflected in the life of another creature. The images in this collection will excite your imagination, edify you, and hold you enraptured, as you view our western raptors in their natural landscapes.
